Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cannot stand to be one of many, I'm not what they are...

Well, another day gone by. Today for the first time really observing some of the people that passed by between classes and such. That and seeing the many millions of couples out there, coupled with knowing that even 'goodmonson' is no longer single, coupled with a rather annoying call from my mother about nonsense at home, I've come to a few realizations about emotions and relationships, all of which leave me simply astounded.

First, it's amazing to see the first kind of couple, which is really the kind of people that are sort of together out of necessity. There doesn't seem to be any sort of connection mentally, physically, emotionally, or of any other sort, but hey, it's better than being alone in their eyes? These folks are the best, as as soon as their away from their insignificant other, the shit talking ensues on both sides about how much each detests the other. It makes me wonder why this even really qualifies as a relationship, and I suppose in many ways, it doesn't. I've seen people have a closer relationship with rocks, and really, those people are happier with the rock than these dead-beats are with each other. But, its a way of conforming, doing what's expected of them, and not being 'alone'. And it's perhaps the fear of not finding anyone else at all that keeps them there. These people are just sort of amusing, as they most of the time have nothing to offer the world on their own anyway. A self fulfilling damnation, if you ask me. But it's enough to get a chuckle out of me when I happen across them.

Next is sometimes just as bad, the over the fucking top, attached at the hip (hip if we're lucky...) couples. These people remind me of Alzheimer's patients. Because clearly these are the people that can have just sucked face 20 seconds ago, and can think to themselves, 'you know, I don't think I've expressed my physical affection for this person in a while, I should remind them that I care by planting my face onto theirs and never ever letting go of their hand.... ever....' This is just amusing because it gets physically sickening after about a day. At that point, it's crossed over into land of fake. Not to say that occasional affection or little things and signs aren't 'romantic' or 'adorable', but there's a line before it becomes smothering and borderline pathetic. These folks would make me chuckle more, if I wasn't afraid that the sudden movement would expel the last thing I had to eat on the ground before me. I'd write more... but I forgot what I was talking about.... or did I? The hell is this?

Right, the next is of course the trophy relationship. The guy that's scored the hott chick, (with not a single synapse firing in that pretty little head of hers, or at least that's how she'll carry herself) or the girl that struts around with the football dude-bro. These people are amusing because they represent the general trend that exists in America today.

I'd actually say more, but I lost my train of thought after nearly dying a few times. By that I mean, going for a 6 mile walk around town after dinner. Roads get smaller with snow drifts on either side, and no plowed sidewalks. It was a good end to a fantastic day. Though if only that were the end...

Anyways, where the hell was I?

Ah yes, the various dysfunctional members of society.

Are there any 'normal' couples out there? I feel that the answer is yes. While there are many that are miserable, mismatched, or otherwise heartless, I'm sure that there are many that are perfectly content with each other. In fact, I know some of these people personally. And I'm truly glad for them, really. But that does leave me in a fairly precarious situation. A sort of purgatory in terms of emotions, really.

I figure anyone brain damaged or socially awkward enough to find anything worth while in someone like me, isn't necessarily someone I'd really have much to talk about with or much in common with. And anyone I could really care for in that way would be far better off with someone (or anyone) other than me. Which obviously presents an odd situation of being stuck between an inability to care, and the inability to be cared for.

Though, to be fair, I'm a believer in things happening for a reason. I think being 'alone' this long would surely make me unbearable in any kind of emotional situation anyway. It'd be torture on any poor soul that thought me worth being with. I don't think I could really do that to anyone.

So rather than settle, or ask someone else to do so, I guess I'll just stay where I am. But it's interesting to ponder, socially speaking, and I suppose sociologically speaking. It at least makes me an interesting observer from here on top of the fence of the 'up shit creek' crew.

Any and all of you reading this... just promise to aim to be one of those 'good' normal, respectable, admirable couples. And not one of the ones that would make the rest of society vomit...

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